Course Overview
Welcome to those wishing to join the profession of Flood Adjusting! In this course we go through the world of flood. What is NFIP? What are the 3 Policy Types? What is the Group Flood Insurance Program?
We cover important topics: Adjuster Qualifications, Flood Adjuster Fee Schedule – Why Flood is Worth Your Time! Everything is covered, everything from how to scope a flood loss, to what to do during a flood inspection, to reporting requirements.
We give you an overview of the special flood forms required – seasoned claims adjusters are lost when learning flood – Do not let that be you!
Course curriculum
1. Introduction
2. Why Flood Adjusting
3. What is NFIP
4. Flood vs Wind
5. Lowest Elevated Floor & Basement
6. Inspection Overview
7. What are the 3 Policy Types
8. Special Flood Forms Required
9. Adjuster Qualifications
10. Flood Adjuster Fee Schedule
Flood Manual
FEMA website for Claims Adjuster Forms

About this course
- 12 lessons
- 1.5 hours of video content