Course Overview

Welcome to those wishing to join the profession of Flood Adjusting! In this course we go through the world of flood. What is NFIP? What are the 3 Policy Types? What is the Group Flood Insurance Program? We cover important topics: Adjuster Qualifications, Flood Adjuster Fee Schedule – Why Flood is Worth Your Time! Everything is covered, everything from how to scope a flood loss, to what to do during a flood inspection, to reporting requirements. We give you an overview of the special flood forms required – seasoned claims adjusters are lost when learning flood – Do not let that be you!

Course curriculum

    1. 1. Introduction

    2. 2. Why Flood Adjusting

    3. 3. What is NFIP

    4. 4. Flood vs Wind

    5. 5. Lowest Elevated Floor & Basement

    6. 6. Inspection Overview

    7. 7. What are the 3 Policy Types

    8. 8. Special Flood Forms Required

    9. 9. Adjuster Qualifications

    10. 10. Flood Adjuster Fee Schedule

    1. Flood Manual

    2. FEMA website for Claims Adjuster Forms

About this course

  • 12 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content